At RMC, we use Result-based Capacity Assessment Framework (RCAF) which has been developed by us based on years of experience of working with NGOs and international development agencies in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Middle East. It is an easy-to-use capacity assessment tool for use in social organisations, and has been developed drawing on nearly a decade of research, adaptation and application of the framework in both large and small organisations.
It focuses on seven core dimensions of organisational capacity which are critical for delivery of services and outcomes for an organisation?s primary customers or stakeholders. The use of the framework requires gathering evidence-based data through a participatory process involving key leaders, senior managers and staff of the organisation, with facilitation by an RMC consultant trained in the use of the Framework.
RCAF process: The data-gathering process involves three inter-related steps and methods:
1.Self-assessment of critical capacity factors: Carefully selected internal stakeholders fill in a rapid self-assessment questionnaire which is then collated and analysed by the facilitator. The questionnaire gathers data on seven key areas of capacity of an organisation, namely:
2. Focus group discussions (FGD): Once the data gathered from self-assessment exercise are collated and analysed by the facilitator, focus group discussions are held with different stakeholders groups.
3. Documentary evidence: In the next stage, the facilitator will carry out desk research and gather documentary evidence to triangulate and validate the data that emerged from the self-assessment and FGDs. Once this is completed, the facilitator will synthesize the findings into a report which depicts the status of the organisation’s capacity at a point in time.
For more information on the methodology, please send us a request.